
About Q/C

About J T

I would love to be able to list (along with photos) all of those creative and exciting professionals that are working here in my office but it’s just me. Maybe someday more, but probably not. I like to stay unencumbered by walls and forms. So, I will just continue to depend on those other talented people with whom I Face and Tweet and Link and sometimes just hang with. For a complete list, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope along with a $50 handling fee, and I will make sure you get it before the new year becomes the old year (fast away the old year passes).

I returned to the self-employment ranks in 2016 after seven years as communication director for the Episcopal Diocese of Oregon. That position immersed me in all forms of communication including phones (cell and systems), copiers, computers, tablets, pads, databases, OSes of all sorts, networks (LAN and WAN), not to mention a few chipmunks and birds. I was happy to leave that behind and re-focus on design, websites, and consulting. I can be persuaded to consult about the other things listed above, but you better have a good brew pub in mind.

My Skills

I believe that learning should never stop. Mine never has. Though I have been working with these tools for a long time, there are always new things to grasp and use. 

Adobe Premier
Information Design

My Experience


quanbeck / creative

Just me & them

Who are they? Whomever has need of the skills I bring. I do church and non-profit websites. I handle weekly video streaming. I create Sunday bulletins for churches from the West Coast to the East. I do specialized Photoshop work. I construct business plans and company profiles.


The Episcopal Diocese of Oregon

Communication Director

I was responsible for all the communication needs of the Episcopal Diocese that encompasses Western Oregon. From websites to convention A/V and publication editing to phone systems and IT planning.


Appleton Lloyd, Inc

Creative Director

For eight years I led a fantastic team of creatives through an amazing collection projects and clients until we all went our separate ways.
